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Main Projects

Development, construction and operations of wood pellet factory, Riau

Management of SOLCOFIN co-founded one of the largest wood pelleting companies in Indonesia. First commercial scale factory was constructed in Riau, Indonesia by using waste material from Sago processing factories.


​Development, construction and operations of small scale biogas power plant, Riau

In Riau, waste water from starch factory was used to generate biogas and electricity. Electricity is used at the starch factory to lower the diesel usage.

Gas Managment_3

2MW biogas project in West Kalimantan

PLN requested SOLCOFIN to build up to 2mw biogas power plant in West Kalimantan. Electricity will be used to replace partial diesel usage in existing diesel power plant. Biogas is produced from palm oil waste materials. Project is in Indonesian National Plan RUPTL.


Feasibility study for 10MW biomass power plant, South Sumatra

PLN requested SOLCOFIN to build 10MW biomass power plant in South-Sumatra. Our cooperation partner had existing biomass source which was available for SOLCOFIN.


Feasibility study and MOU with PLN for 10MW biomass and 2MW biogas power plant, East Kalimantan

PLN requested SOLCOFIN to build 10MW of biomass power and 2mw of biogas power in East Kalimantan. MOU was signed between the parties.


Electricity Station

Development, construction and operations of wood pellet factory, East Java

Feasibility study and construction of the wood pellet facility was conducted by SOLCOFIN'S Management at the East Java Indonesia. At the moment, the facility is the largest operational wood pellet factory in Indonesia.


Development of wood pellet factory, Central Java

SOLCOFIN conducted the feasibility study for large scale wood pellet manufacturing facility in Central Java. Study was completed successfully.

Business Meeting

Feasibility Study to utilize Palm Oil Trunks

Large Indonesian palm oil company project to process oil palm trunks (OPT) into pellets for export market. Study was completed from harvesting to vessel loading, inluding the processing of the material.



Feasibility Study and Advisory for 2x10MW biomass power plant, East Kalimantan"

Large Indonesian plywood company requested SOLCOFIN to conduct feasibility study for 2X10 MW biomass plant in East-Kalimantan. Feasibility study was successfully delivered to the client.


Biomass sourcing and supply for large scale coal power plant, Indonesia

SOLCOFIN source and supply biomass for gigawatt scale coal power utility for their co-firing operations. Company designed integrated biomass processing facility to utilize waste heat for drying of the biomass.



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